Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Yesterday in class I watched M and Gus work on retrieving over the jump for a while. I am moved beyond...well... the moon, say....by Gus' desire to do right by M. He works so hard and with such focus. He is a special dog...
Lucky M, when Gus first came to live with us (I fell in love with him the first time I met him at my friend's house; he had just returned from the show circuit in Montana) he took one look at M and signed on for life. Pledged his mighty little papillon soul. Within the month he got his last major to finish his championship.
See how happy he is on M's arm....


  1. What a bright fine face on your GusGus! He reminds me of my dear old border collie, Alonzo.

    Art Barber

  2. Thank you, Art! Alonzo must've been a great one.
