Friday, June 29, 2012

On Our Way!

 This past weekend in Canby, Emma and I got our first 2 Novice legs with 2 blue ribbons!!! On Day 2 our score was 194 out of 200 !  I love working with my  little brown dog...and I was especially excited to hear 2 well known judges and obedience competitors say how much they liked fact...that they would still have shelties if they were like her.  That may have made me happier than the ribbons because I know I helped nurture that attitude...that I made the world a good place for her and that we are truly a team.

We are entered in Nov B for three trials at our Specialty in July...and although they are outdoor trials, I'm hoping we get that last leg.  I would imagine that working outdoors with sheep for a year will help us concentrate.

In August and Spetmeber we are entered in 2 Herding Trials. Emma and Ike. Hoping we can get HT*s PT*s slapped on the end of our names too! 
HT= Herding Tested
PT= Pre Trial Test

Living the Dream!