Monday, April 2, 2012

New Show @ PDX Opens 4/4/12

Swaledale Moon

Tomorrow my show, Pastoral opens. It has been a really intense 6 months of work. I had to  juggle training, teaching, family...and some emotional upheavals...but I got it done. And now I feel that post partum feeling.
The only remedy is to get working again.

Wednesday is the reception, which I half dread. My other half, of course, is excited to see so many people I like so much in one space...looking at my work.

My friend Lynn asked me how I felt about the show....and today my answer was that I thought it looked like I had dropped by an elementary school, swept the shelf of projects, signed them and took them to PDX.  This made us both laugh. Swaledale Moon is my favorite.  Below are the felt sculptures.

Stall Work

Autumn Wolf

Irish Terrier